Problem Solved

If you go to the about page, you'll notice that the layout is slightly different. That's because I received an answer to my request to fix the page. An old high school friend, Rich Leinbach, pointed out what I had done incorrectly, and offered a suggestion for how to fix it. I took his words to heart, and implemented the page a little differently. My solution is not pretty, but it works.

Thanks, Rich! See you at one of the concerts.

-- jw (29 Jul 2008)

I Need Help!

I'm having trouble with the layout of the about page. I want the photos to go horizontally across the top, instead of verically on the left. I've tried messing with the CSS to move them, but it doesn't work. If you can make it happen, you'll win the unending love of the Purple Ravens, as well as free entrance into either the 11 Aug or 25 Aug Concerts In The Park. Please email your suggestions to

-- jw (12 Jul 2008)

New songs

At rehearsal the other evening (yeah, that's right -- we take this seriously!), Jim showed off his vast knowledge of excellent songs. The band played along with most of them, and there were a few that are likely to turn up on the PR play list very soon. More details to come at a later date.

-- jw (25 Aug 2007)

Gearing up for Parrots

We're getting ready for the Parrots of the Carribean party this Saturday evening. The evening should be a blast. We're on stage for only 1.5 hours, so we're planning on playing our best stuff during that time. Of course, we think all of our songs are our best stuff. It's just that some are more "best" than others.

The band Room 240 will be sharing the stage with the PRs, and we look forward to working with them. Both bands' set lists are similar, so we've compromised. We won't be playing a few of our standards, and they have agreed to modify their play list as well. It's all for the folks in the audience. You don't want to hear the same song twice in one evening, do you? Of course not. If you wanted to hear the same songs over and over and over and over, you could listen to any local radio station for an hour.

-- jw (20 Aug 2007)

Holiday Calendar Filling Up

Our holiday calendar is filling up quickly. If you or your organization are interested in having the PRs perform at your holiday, you need to act soon. For information or to contact us, head over to the Contacts page.

-- jw (20 Aug 2007)